• Diabetes
    Health Literacy

    5 Things Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

    The world faces a diabetes epidemic. Millions around the world suffer from this condition, which left untreated can lead to death. Having a solid Diabetes education can increase your chances of living a healthier and longer life. Here are five key facts and misconceptions about diabetes. 1. There are two types of Diabetes Type 1 diabetes involves genetic factors and affects just 5% of diabetics. The immune system attacks the pancreas, which is responsible for producing insulin. Insulin, in turn, helps lower blood sugar levels. Approximately 19 out of 20 diabetics have type 2 diabetes. Excessive amounts of blood sugar lead to this condition over a prolonged period of time.…

  • Knee Massage
    Health Literacy

    5 Key Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy

    Sports massage has lots of benefits to athletes and non-athletes alike. This type of massage can be applied pre-performance, during training, post-performance, and for rehabilitation purposes. Athletes of all levels will immensely benefit from a sports massage. If you are looking for ways to boost your athletic performance, then this type of therapy is ideal for you and your career. Read on to know the benefits of sports massage therapy. 1. Provides Everyday Pain Relief For individuals who suffer from chronic pain, handling everyday tasks can be quite uncomfortable. Additionally, if the pain prevents you from exercising and moving around, you may end up feeling frustrated. For any athlete, pain…

  • Medical Imaging MRI
    Medical Technology

    Medical Imaging: The Modern Method of Diagnosing Internal Injuries

    The process of medical imaging is considered as one of the most critical processes to screen the internal injuries in your body. It is basically a visualization of tissues and cells in your bodies so that a diagnosis can be prepared and proper treatment can be done for your injury. This helps the doctor in planning out an appropriate plan of treatment for your body. The imaging technology can be taken ahead by using the procedure of radiology, nuclear medicine, optimal imaging and open imaging. Radiology Method This method involved the observance of anatomical and physiological elements of the body under high resolution. The usage of different contrast agents helps…

  • Stress Ball
    Mental Health

    How Squeeze Balls Contribute to Hand Rehabilitation

    Proper functioning and healthy hands are essential parts of the body and greatly affect one’s ability to live independently. The necessity of their functions, which includes holding and grasping, becomes vivid in case of a disability or injury of the hands. Since hands are one of the most used parts of the body in daily activities, they are highly prone to injuries of all sorts. This would affect many aspects of one’s life including their ability to make a living. So, if you are suffering from swelling, stiffness, and pain which makes it difficult for you to handle your daily tasks, it is important to consider rehabilitation as soon as…

  • Addiction
    Health Literacy

    Understanding The Challenges of Cross-Addiction And How To Combat It

    When those struggling with substance abuse indulge in that addiction, their brain releases a ‘feel good’ chemical called dopamine into the synapses. Dopamine signals body that something pleasurable has happened or is about to happen. When the addicts undergo addiction treatment, they often feel a frequent sense of something missing from in their life. That missing thing is usually dopamine. To fill this emptiness, recovering addicts sometimes turn to something else, such as coffee, food, shopping, cigarettes, pills, or anything that mimics their original addiction. It is called cross-addiction In simple terms, cross-addiction means you’ve traded one addiction for another. For example, if you’re working through an alcoholism treatment program,…