• Programming Phone

    Container Orchestration Systems Comparison: Kubernetes vs Docker

    With every other person rushing to have a piece of cloud storage, servers and operation, container orchestration is becoming a hot topic.  This short analysis seeks to give you an incisive container orchestration systems comparison: Kubernetes vs Docker. With the Kubernetes and Docker, it is a only question of complimenting each other. The comparison between the Kubernetes and the Docker has never been about which one is better, but how they could work together. Nevertheless, we shall discuss their various strengths and weaknesses. What are Container Systems According to Docker, a container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs…

  • Web Development

    Want to Create an App, Where Should You Begin?

    While constructing and giving shape to your first ever app it is very natural that you will be asking yourself several questions. You might be re-thinking your decision all over again and might also wonder whether this whole endeavor is effectual. You might also end up thinking whether people all over will even get to know about your creation. However, keeping all these thoughts aside once you are into this venture you shouldn’t really step back.

  • Online Shopping

    The Cost of Building a WooCommerce Site: A Detailed Breakdown of the Fundamental Costs and More

    Setting up a WooCommerce site may not be as difficult as your peers will have you believe. In fact, every e-commerce site owner needs to consider opting for WooCommerce at least once before kick-starting their online business. While, the basics like finding a reliable hosting company is the same for all e-commerce sites, there are a few differences that make setting up WooCommerce a lot easier and cheaper.

  • Arduino Integrated Circuit

    Arduino: The Hit Among Geeks and DIY Fans

    Arduino has proven to be more successful than many powerful computing boards that have been in the market for a long time. The Arduino community has grown to more than 100,000 users strong. But what exactly is Arduino? Simply put, Arduino is a programmable circuit board. It has grown popular among designers, scientists, hobbyists, programmers, engineers and hardware hackers. It enhances interactivity to project and objects and comes with a myriad of benefits to the user. Benefits of Using Arduino Whenever you use Arduino, you will enjoy the speed and the simplicity of prototyping. You can hook up an LCD and start displaying text in a few minutes. With Arduino,…

  • DarkWave Studio

    Streamlined Modern or Realistic Traditional? The Difference Between Skeuomorphism and Flat Design

    Graphic design has come leaps and bounds in the last decade thanks to exciting developments in technology and software. Relatedly, web design has incorporated these updates as well, offering website designers many more tools to work with when creating new web pages. Some of these trends still have the jury out on their utility and durability in the competitive market of web design.

  • Software

    What to do when your WordPress update failed [Tutorial]

    Yesterday when I was updating one of my WordPress blogs the automatic update failed and was stuck in maintenance mode. What to do when this happens? First of all, don’t panic! Your blog is not lost for ever, or anything like that. Even if you haven’t backed up your blog’s files and its database (like recommended by WordPress), it is still possible to fix the update fail issue in a few easy steps. Of course if you had backed up your files and database then you could simply restore them and try an automatic update again. In fact some web hosts will regularly backup everything for you. They also have…