• Marketing Success

    Top Things To Consider When Planning A Business Marketing Strategy

    If you have a business, you’ll understand the importance of marketing. You have to promote your business if you want to have customers. Here are the top things to consider when planning your marketing strategy: Target Market The first thing you have to think about is your target market. Who are the people most likely to want a piece of your business? Normally, you can decide this based on what your business does. Look at the products and services you offer, and think who they appeal to the most. Once you’ve got your target market, you should focus all your attention on them. Your marketing strategy should aim to promote…

  • Marketing Strategy

    Successful Advertising Tips for Your Business

    If you want your business to succeed in today’s rough economy, one of the more important things you will have to take care of is advertising. Advertising is the thing that can help your business flourish, or it can be the thing that can destroy it completely, but however you look at it, it is the only way to reach your customers and present to them your products and services. Regardless of whether you run a big or a small business, advertising is essential in order to succeed, and a good marketing campaign will encourage an average consumer to take action, and become interested in your product. There are couple of…

  • Beauty and the Business. Photo by Startup Stock Photos. License: CC BY 4.0.

    Beauty and the Business: How to Compete and Thrive in the Salon Industry

    The beauty industry is one of the most competitive work forces in America. Many beauty professionals fail to learn the business management aspect of their salons – and this has led to the beauty industry yielding the second highest failure rate of any industry. To truly succeed in the beauty industry, there are four important tips that every salon owner needs to understand before they undertake such a big enterprise. 1. Never forget about social media Every small business owner knows that social media is pivotal to a fledgling company. But beauty businesses have even more to gain from social media. Since they offer an aesthetic, utilizing the visual aspect of online…

  • Rich Snippets

    How Have Snippets Turned Into Important Social Media Tools Today?

    Harnessing the power of snippets found across the web is the new mantra in online marketing today, especially in the social media scenario. Whether it is for a product launch or an event, businesses are able to maximize the use of their Facebook pages by carrying out technical support, using the “Like” button for customer connections, creating real time forums and promoting discounts, exclusive offers, latest news and product launches. As a result, this helps to promote the profile of the company with the knowledge of their products quickly spreading though the various social networks, often leading to a viral effect, all at no cost. But the fact is, this…

  • Cookie Dough Fundraisers. Photo by Brian Richardson. License: CC BY 2.0

    5 Things to Expect with Cookie Dough Fundraisers

    One of the most popular forms of fundraising for school organizations, Girl Scout troupes, and even sports teams is selling cookies. Everyone likes cookies, and cookie dough is easy to bake because it is pre-mixed and molder, ready for the oven. However, like any other fundraising, there are some expectations which can be eye openers. Understanding how to raise funds through selling cookies is one way to ensure success. Here are five things to expect with cookie dough fundraisers: Not all cookies are created equal. People like cookies, but different people like different cookies. In the same way, not all chocolate chip cookies are the same. Finding good cookie dough…

  • Simplify Info
    Public Relations

    How to Make Technical Information More Digestible for Your Audience

    Reading long paragraphs or pages of uninterrupted text can be tedious for anyone, unless it’s supposed to be that way: a twenty-thousand page Stephen King novel, or a really interesting dissertation on the evidence of alien life, for example. However, most of us even need a break after several chapters of good fiction. Feeding your audience information about your products, services, company or processes via text alone is just about the worst way to do it, especially when the information is highly technical. As a business owner, you know everything about your niche, industry or topic. You’re the expert, so you should be able to explain it. So why doesn’t…