• Legal Advice
    General Law

    Why Law Firms Struggle With Marketing (and How to Succeed)

    To succeed, law firms need to attract new clients, and the only reliable way to ensure a steady stream of new, interested parties is through marketing and advertising. Unfortunately, most law firms struggle with marketing. They don’t know which strategies to use, they aren’t sure if their strategies are working, or they end up spending lots of money with no real measurable return. So why is it that so many law firms struggle with marketing, and what can they do to succeed? Lack of Expertise First, law firms tend to have limited marketing expertise. Their leadership and staff members have a background in law and/or business, and may be exceptional…

  • Chatbot
    Business Tools

    How to Deliver Modern Customer Experience with Chatbots?

    Today, customers interact with brands in more ways than ever, across unique channels, devices, and time zones. While technology and automation have obviously taken businesses to the next level and made the modern customer experience much noisier. Multiple customer interactions happen 24×7, and many fly below the radar. Bain & Company survey found out that 80% of businesses had delivered “superior customer experience.” In this age of hyper connectivity, brands can engage their customers in more innovative ways to go beyond their expectations and deliver great customer experience. Here are 6 different ways to deliver a modern customer experience. 1. Use Automation “Chatbots are making their way into the landscape…

  • Senior Phone

    Teaching Technology: Why We Need to Break down the Digital Divide Between Generations

    We all know someone who has struggled to get to grips with technology. The early 90’s saw a technology boom, meaning that most people who were brought up in this generation were surrounded by technology in their everyday lives. This equally applies to those born after the year 2000, when iPads, tablets, and smartphones became commonplace. 1. A digital divide The digital divide is a problem for people of all ages in terms of social and economic inequalities. Although once it was due to financial inequalities disabling the access to technology, it has now shifted towards a knowledge gap. Once connected to their devices, the information presented to them instantly…

  • Smartphone Business

    Reach, Engagement, Placement, and ROI: A Crash Course in Influencer Marketing

    You know what the verb “to influence” means, but have you ever heard the noun version, “influencer”? It’s a term that has been on the lips of digital marketers and avid social media users for several years now. And according to the experts, this subset of internet marketing is poised to become even more important as we head into the 2020s. If you don’t know what (or who) an influencer is, or why you should try to get one (or more) for your company, then read on for a crash course in influencer marketing! First, Just What the Heck Is an Influencer? As the name implies, an influencer is someone…

  • Hacker Criminal

    Fallout: The Consequences of a Data Breach

    Many organizations collect sensitive data and are responsible for appropriately protecting it. With new regulations like the EU’s General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the definitions of personal data have been greatly expanded, and the financial impacts of a data breach for an organization are significant.

  • Tech Support Computer Repair
    Business Tools

    What Should You Do as a Business for IT Struggles?

    Starting a business is everyone else’s dream. This is usually because the world’s richest men and women are never employed folk. They are in business, solving problems and getting paid for that. However, when your business develops IT problems or continues with unresolved problems, it becomes more of a flat tire that slows you down and you will never get anywhere with it. At one point, you will either to decide whether to prosper the business by solving these problems or drown into losses and oblivion. These are some of the most common IT problems businesses face and suggested solutions on how them. Cyber-security Cyber-security is a major concern for…

  • Watch Time

    Like Clockwork – 5 Secrets to Help Your Business Run More Efficiently

    Every business, large and small, aims to get ahead of the competition. To achieve that goal, a company needs to run as efficiently as possible to ultimately improve customer satisfaction and increase its bottom line. Improving an organization’s efficiency requires making the most of what you have and implementing changes that lead to a better, faster way of doing things. Below are several tips to help your business run more efficiently. 1. Unified Communications Solutions Your business uses a plethora of communication systems each and every day. From phone calls and video conferencing to email and instant messaging, every employee has virtually endless ways to stay in touch with their…

  • Website Design

    Top Six Benefits of Using a Professionally Designed Website for Your Business

    A well-designed website is an integral part of any business in the modern environment. Your site should act as the online presence of your business where you interact with your customers, attract new web visitors, and even respond to queries. It is also the platform where you should make sure that your audience is highly engaged through informative content. From this analysis, it is clear that a business website is a vital component of any business which should be designed professionally to deliver its mandate. A considerable number of business owners are just focused on the aspect of having a business website without paying critical attention to its design, technical…