• Artificial Intelligence Woman

    Engineering Predictions for the Future – What Everyday Products Will we Be Using in 2030?

    The engineering innovations of today are the everyday items of tomorrow. As science and manufacturing links arms to drive forward the latest cutting edge technology it's possible to see where we may be heading in the future. So, it's time to gaze into our crystal ball, cast our eye forward 15 years and consider what everyday products we might be using in 2030…

  • Library photo by Timetrax23. License: CC BY-SA 2.0.

    5 Reasons Libraries Aren’t Dead Yet

    With the development of modern technology and nearly everyone using search engines such as Google to find information, it is surprising to walk down the street and find that the local library still remains open to the public for use. We tend to think of libraries solely as a center for books and encyclopedias from which we can spend hours doing research that may only take us minutes online.

  • SpaceX Falcon 9 launch photo by U.S. Air Force.
    News,  Space Exploration

    Go Away, Gravity! – The Ventures of Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic

    Elon Musk has a net worth of $11.9 billion while Richard Branson has a net worth of $4.8 billion. If they stacked their respective fortunes in $1 bills atop each other, the tower would reach six million miles, almost 25 times the distance between the earth and the moon. And that is, in a metaphorical way, exactly what the two plan to do.

  • Connected World

    The Connected World

    In the modern world the majority of us are connected to the internet for most of our waking hours, sometimes without even realising it. With the huge number of networked, embedded computers in devices all around our homes and work it can be really hard to disconnect. Even on the move, smartphones, tablets and netbooks give us constant access to updates and information, drastically changing the way we form relationships in the world. At home: In the home, the growth of streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube has promoted the development of televisions with web access. Advances in game consoles are also moving towards a very online experience offering…

  • Cloud Hosting

    Key Cloud Hosting Solutions for Small Businesses

    Cloud hosting is the new buzz in the arena of technology. It has turned out to be one of the most practical and effective solutions for hosting a small business website. The major reason behind this is that these web hosting solutions can fit your budget and needs well. It is a “Software as a Service” model that can let a small business save significant amount of IT cost. You just have to outsource the maintenance of your hardware and software for hosting your website. All the headaches related to managing your IT operations, hardware and software updates and personal costs will no longer bug you. With cloud hosting, you…

  • Team Virtual Office
    Online Business

    How To Connect Your Global Workforce

    Companies today are facing the challenge of managing and maintaining a diversified workforce on a global scale. Technology has provided the ability for companies to reach every country and to employ talented individuals from all over the globe. This can make it difficult for management to maintain a happy and functioning workforce.

  • Beauty and the Business. Photo by Startup Stock Photos. License: CC BY 4.0.

    Beauty and the Business: How to Compete and Thrive in the Salon Industry

    The beauty industry is one of the most competitive work forces in America. Many beauty professionals fail to learn the business management aspect of their salons – and this has led to the beauty industry yielding the second highest failure rate of any industry. To truly succeed in the beauty industry, there are four important tips that every salon owner needs to understand before they undertake such a big enterprise. 1. Never forget about social media Every small business owner knows that social media is pivotal to a fledgling company. But beauty businesses have even more to gain from social media. Since they offer an aesthetic, utilizing the visual aspect of online…

  • Oracle Redwood City. Photo by King of Hearts. License: CC BY-SA 3.0.
    Business Tools

    Implementing Oracle Business Intelligence in the Right Way

    The Oracle Business Intelligence comprises of various set of tools that support the end users to access reports and analysis for decision making purposes. Now, what can be the different tools for implementing business intelligence (BI)? They are discussed in the following. KPI (Key Performance Indicators): These are the kind of indicators that are used to monitor the present status and then forecast and anticipate the future performance of the organization. They can be considered as the health indicators of the industry and a proper guide to performance management. Data Warehousing: DWH or data warehousing are often considered as the first step towards BI. It is the main pool of…