• Industrial Printer
    Green Technology

    Behind the Scenes: How Technology Is Changing the Food Industry

    Technological innovations have changed the way we live, work, and travel. Technology has made notable improvements in fields such as education, transportation, the medical and healthcare sciences, engineering, and agriculture. It is also making a big impact on the food industry, from food processing to packaging and distribution. We may not always stop to think how our food goes from field to fork but, behind the scenes, that journey is increasingly utilizing the latest technology.

  • Artificial Intelligence Woman

    Engineering Predictions for the Future – What Everyday Products Will we Be Using in 2030?

    The engineering innovations of today are the everyday items of tomorrow. As science and manufacturing links arms to drive forward the latest cutting edge technology it's possible to see where we may be heading in the future. So, it's time to gaze into our crystal ball, cast our eye forward 15 years and consider what everyday products we might be using in 2030…

  • Honda Bike

    Tips for Traveling Long Distance on Your Honda

    Are you planning on taking off for a long distance solo bike ride on your Honda? You may be an experienced rider, but the real question is: Are you an experienced traveller? The idea itself is amazing, and riding across the country or continent is an experience that is limited only for a brave few. Take some advice from experienced bikers, those who have already embarked on such adventures and gained something valuable, and somewhere among that gained knowledge you will find what is it that you actually need in order to pull this off. Being a biker essentially means that you are not rooted to a specific location and…

  • Connected World

    The Connected World

    In the modern world the majority of us are connected to the internet for most of our waking hours, sometimes without even realising it. With the huge number of networked, embedded computers in devices all around our homes and work it can be really hard to disconnect. Even on the move, smartphones, tablets and netbooks give us constant access to updates and information, drastically changing the way we form relationships in the world. At home: In the home, the growth of streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube has promoted the development of televisions with web access. Advances in game consoles are also moving towards a very online experience offering…

  • Lock Screen Security

    Simple and Easy Ways to Keep Your Smartphone and Data Protected

    Keeping your phone safe is imperative. While we have come to depend on smart technology, it’s important to remember that our phones contain a raft of personal information. If this data or information were to get into the wrong hands, it could have a severe impact on our reputation. But, worse, it could leave us susceptible to information theft and fraud. Now, our phones don’t just contain information from emails. We use our phones for banking and other financial transactions. When it comes to keeping your smartphone safe, there are some easy and simple ways that you can do this. Lock Screen Security Even leaving your phone unattended for a…

  • Concept Car Renault Desir. Photo by Dk58 - Renaud. License: CC BY 2.0.

    Car Technologies that will Revolutionize the Way You Drive

    Can advanced technology revolutionize the way we drive cars? Absolutely! Luxury auto makers are already working on making vehicles look more like space ships; better yet, soon enough our cars will have the exact same functions as our tablets and smartphones. We can't stop the auto industry from advancing, and as long as the demand for high-tech increases, it's only natural for car brands to want to keep up.

  • Car Jumper Cables. Photo by Cali4beach. License: CC BY 2.0.

    Five Tools Every Car Owner Should Have

    Have you ever had the worse scenario happen while you're on a road trip with your friends or family? The music is pumping, you're preparing for a crazy getaway weekend, and all of a sudden, your car breaks down in the middle of the highway and you have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it. Calling a tow service would be a lengthy process, and will most definitely ruin your weekend adventure.

  • Portable Hard Disk 1TB Western Digital. Image by Harke. License: CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Why Portable HDD Will Make You Free

    Portable HDD, also known as an external hard disk, can be really helpful in many situations. As a result of a fast development in the hard-disk production technology, external hard-disks have become more available for everyday use and, more importantly, they are also more affordable than they used to be a couple of years ago. Although they have a serious nemeses in the form of cloud storage services and internal ultramodern SSD devices, portable HDDs still hold a significant part of the market in their hands. Now we are going to see what keeps their heads above the surface. Portable and practical The largest advantage of this device over the…