• Credit Cards

    Advantages of Businesses Accepting Credit Cards

    Many customers only deal with businesses that have credit cards as payment options. They can decide to restrict their transactions to businesses that have a provision for credit card payments. This is an important consideration for modern and competitive businesses. If you run a business and enable payments to be made through credit cards, you will gain a competitive advantage over those that do not. Decline of Cash Transactions Debit and credit card payments continue to be on the increase as fewer consumers choose to use cash or checks. There has been a steady decline of cash and checks being used for transactions over the years. Along with the increased…

  • Scam Signs

    4 Email Scams to Watch Out for

    Nowadays scams and cons come in all shapes and forms. Most of you will know that emails are no safe haven, and you need to remain quite vigilant when reading yours. This article will take you through a handful of popular email scams in hope that you won’t be caught out in the future. 419 – The Nigerian Scam Thousands of Britons will have received the ‘419’ or ‘Nigerian Prince’ scam. Most of you will have ignored it, but it only takes a few people who may not be as tech-savvy or knowledgeable to fall for the desperate (but fake) cry for help from a member of the Nigerian royal…

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex Skeleton

    Jurassic Park: Sadly Realistic

    I know, I know—dinosaur fights, Unix systems, rapid breeding, clones that work better, not worse, than designed—it seems far-fetched to call this movie realistic. But the last time I had watched Jurassic Park was before I graduated high school. When I saw previews for the new sequel, I decided it was time to revisit this masterpiece, and realized it was a very different movie than I remembered.

  • Cookie Dough Fundraisers. Photo by Brian Richardson. License: CC BY 2.0

    5 Things to Expect with Cookie Dough Fundraisers

    One of the most popular forms of fundraising for school organizations, Girl Scout troupes, and even sports teams is selling cookies. Everyone likes cookies, and cookie dough is easy to bake because it is pre-mixed and molder, ready for the oven. However, like any other fundraising, there are some expectations which can be eye openers. Understanding how to raise funds through selling cookies is one way to ensure success. Here are five things to expect with cookie dough fundraisers: Not all cookies are created equal. People like cookies, but different people like different cookies. In the same way, not all chocolate chip cookies are the same. Finding good cookie dough…

  • Business insurance

    Got It Covered: The 9 Types of Business Insurance Out There

    From Obamacare to workers compensation insurance, the waters of business insurance policies can be difficult to navigate. Ninety-four percent of small businesses believe they are adequately protected by their current insurance policies, according to Inc.com, but only a little more than half of them have the appropriate insurance necessary to recover from a disaster. There are certain insurance policies that a business is required by the government to have, and other insurance policies that intelligent business owners should maintain for their own protection. General Liability Insurance A general liability insurance policy is intended to protect you against a comprehensive set of scenarios, such as libel, slander, medical expenses and legal fees.…

  • Wallet and Credit Cards

    5 Effective Ways To Track Entertainment Spending

    Tracking expenses for entertainment is one of the hardest things to do. The reason it's so hard for most of us to get our heads around expenses is because we're too busy having fun and not monitoring our monthly budget. Here are five simple ways to get on top of your entertainment expenses before they derail your savings account.

  • Write Business Plan

    How to Write a Business Plan that Secures Funding

    Simply having a great business idea is not enough, one needs strong capital support from investors in order to make their idea a reality. The best way to acquire funds is to lay out a good business plan as financiers require a solid plan to evaluate an investment opportunity. Through a business plan, you can communicate your new business idea’s potential to investors in a logical and convincing manner. Writing an effective business plan may seem like a tedious task but it is critical in helping potential investors assess the business risks before investing in the company. When working towards building a workable business plan, ensure that it clearly and…

  • Foreign Currency

    Understanding the Ins and Outs of Foreign Exchange Rates

    If you’ve traveled anywhere overseas, you will have had to change the currency you use, trading in one type of money for another. Beneath this simple switch lies a complex world of economies and finance that makes up the global marketplace. In this guide, we will go over some of the basics so that you understand a bit about how this field actually works. What Does Money Cost? Everything on Earth has a value that society places on it. From fruit to computers, we are willing to spend a certain amount of cash on those objects. From one country to another, these values can shift and change, meaning that the worth of…

  • Volunteer Donation Community

    Great Fundraiser Ideas for Your Service Project

    When planning a service project for the community, a family, or even a school one of the first things you have to consider is raising the money for any important items that have to be purchased to complete the project. This means most likely that you need to conduct a fundraiser. Here are some fundraising ideas for great ways to raise funds to support your service project: