• Industrial Printer
    Green Technology

    Behind the Scenes: How Technology Is Changing the Food Industry

    Technological innovations have changed the way we live, work, and travel. Technology has made notable improvements in fields such as education, transportation, the medical and healthcare sciences, engineering, and agriculture. It is also making a big impact on the food industry, from food processing to packaging and distribution. We may not always stop to think how our food goes from field to fork but, behind the scenes, that journey is increasingly utilizing the latest technology.

  • Artificial Intelligence Woman

    Engineering Predictions for the Future – What Everyday Products Will we Be Using in 2030?

    The engineering innovations of today are the everyday items of tomorrow. As science and manufacturing links arms to drive forward the latest cutting edge technology it's possible to see where we may be heading in the future. So, it's time to gaze into our crystal ball, cast our eye forward 15 years and consider what everyday products we might be using in 2030…

  • Porsche 911 GT3. Photo by Axion23. License: CC BY 2.0.
    Green Technology

    Porsche’s Hybrid Technology: Check What’s in the New 911

    Porsche has a long history of high performance cars. They deliver the best in speed, technology and comfort to the discerning buyer. On the surface, these sorts of cars do not appear to blend with the push towards more economic and alternative forms of motoring. The idea of a plug in hybrid 911 has been mentioned several times in recent years but nothing further has happened – until now. For the first time Matthias Muller, the boss of Porsche, is interested in the concept, although it is clear that it will not become a production car for some years yet. The possibility Porsche has admitted that it is possible to…

  • Concept Car Renault Desir. Photo by Dk58 - Renaud. License: CC BY 2.0.

    Car Technologies that will Revolutionize the Way You Drive

    Can advanced technology revolutionize the way we drive cars? Absolutely! Luxury auto makers are already working on making vehicles look more like space ships; better yet, soon enough our cars will have the exact same functions as our tablets and smartphones. We can't stop the auto industry from advancing, and as long as the demand for high-tech increases, it's only natural for car brands to want to keep up.

  • Car Jumper Cables. Photo by Cali4beach. License: CC BY 2.0.

    Five Tools Every Car Owner Should Have

    Have you ever had the worse scenario happen while you're on a road trip with your friends or family? The music is pumping, you're preparing for a crazy getaway weekend, and all of a sudden, your car breaks down in the middle of the highway and you have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it. Calling a tow service would be a lengthy process, and will most definitely ruin your weekend adventure.

  • Electric Car Tyres

    Electric Car Tyres – How Are They Different?

    A couple of weeks ago, we witnessed a potentially significant milestone in the further development of the electric cars industry. Elon Musk from Tesla Motors, famous for their much lauded S series of electric cars, announced that Tesla is relinquishing all their patents to help other companies potentially interested in electric cars manufacture. This will do miracles for the industry and the advent of electric cars seems imminent.

  • Chevrolet Impala

    Top 10 Most Famous Cars of the World

    Among the top 10 world famous cars in the world, Chevy Impala is one of those cars which falls into the category of most famous cars of the world. Chevrolet Impala with a history of more than 54 years in the market has always been one of the most popular cars with sales of 14 million units. Another most stunning car of the world is the Toyota Corolla with a sales of 37.5 million units. It is the top selling vehicle from the Japanese auto makers. Today Corolla is a perfect choice for people in America as well as Japan. Ford F series cars with a sale of 35 million…

  • Fiber-Optic

    The Advantages of Fiber-Optic Communication Systems

    Fiber-optic communication systems are becoming increasingly common in modern society. Where once they were restricted to government or business use, fiber-optic systems are now available to individual households. This has been driven by the rising demand for high bandwidth connections for a variety of industrial and residential purposes. What is a Fiber-Optic Communication System A fiber-optic communication system uses fiber-optic cables to transmit information via light channeled through the cable. In most cases, this light is coherent laser light, although some recent systems use light emitting diodes (LEDs) rather than lasers. Modern fiber-optic communication systems make use of a cable to carry the light impulses to a receiver, which converts…