• Network Hardware
    Online Business

    Reducing Internet Downtime Saves Businesses Money Over Time

    The Internet has over the years had a significant impact on the way business is done in many organizations. This is a major shift from the early adopters, who were using the Internet for simple tasks such as reaching out to audiences via websites and providing a resource for employees to communicate or conduct surveys and research – there was absolutely no way of measuring its impact on an organization's bottom line.

  • Production Planning

    What is Preventing Your Business from Prospering?

    While you might be convinced that your business is ticking away at its optimum rate, there are a number of things – probably happening right now – that are hampering your productivity and, as a result, your profitability. In turn, these things can add up to reduce your potential for expansion. Isolated, they might look like tiny little things that aren’t worth thinking about. However, add them up and you might be surprised to find out just how much time they’re eating into – time that could be better spent growing your business and enticing new customers. We’ve compiled the top five things you can do to get things really…

  • Mailbox
    Business Tools

    Address Validation Tools Can Save Your Business Serious Cash

    You’ve captured the addresses of customers and prospects the same way for years, and you don’t really want to switch over to another system that requires re-training your employees. The learning curve and training time are nothing, however, compared to the costs your business incurs because of dirty data in your system. A whopping 94 percent of companies suspect their databases suffer from major inaccuracies, a QAS.com report on data quality notes. Even if you don’t think data cleaning is worth the time and effort, there are indirect and direct costs associated with data quality issues that all businesses need to be aware of. Direct Costs The postage you spend…