• Your Team

    Team-Building Tips for Happier Employees

    Employees are what make a good company, and in order to have great employees and an even better business running, it is best that you hold regular team-building sessions so that you can improve the general work atmosphere and to increase overall efficiency. Team-building activities are meant to bring your whole company closer and to teach them a wider spectre of skills so that they can improve their work etiquette and productivity.

  • Team Virtual Office
    Online Business

    How To Connect Your Global Workforce

    Companies today are facing the challenge of managing and maintaining a diversified workforce on a global scale. Technology has provided the ability for companies to reach every country and to employ talented individuals from all over the globe. This can make it difficult for management to maintain a happy and functioning workforce.

  • Supermarket
    Business Tools

    Why a Mystery Shopper Will Help Your Business

    Understanding the positive impact a mystery shopper will have on your business requires an understanding of how they operate and what they do. While they may enjoy shopping, mystery shoppers (sometimes called secret shoppers) are also extremely diligent in their approach to the shopping experience. They have to have good memories, be able to explain their findings in written reports, and interact with your staff naturally. They may look like an ordinary shopper, but they are anything but. A mystery shopper is a trained agent Whether working in the field, or conducting shopping exercises over the internet or telephone, a secret shopper working with the best mystery shopping groups will…

  • Oracle Redwood City. Photo by King of Hearts. License: CC BY-SA 3.0.
    Business Tools

    Implementing Oracle Business Intelligence in the Right Way

    The Oracle Business Intelligence comprises of various set of tools that support the end users to access reports and analysis for decision making purposes. Now, what can be the different tools for implementing business intelligence (BI)? They are discussed in the following. KPI (Key Performance Indicators): These are the kind of indicators that are used to monitor the present status and then forecast and anticipate the future performance of the organization. They can be considered as the health indicators of the industry and a proper guide to performance management. Data Warehousing: DWH or data warehousing are often considered as the first step towards BI. It is the main pool of…

  • Rich Snippets

    How Have Snippets Turned Into Important Social Media Tools Today?

    Harnessing the power of snippets found across the web is the new mantra in online marketing today, especially in the social media scenario. Whether it is for a product launch or an event, businesses are able to maximize the use of their Facebook pages by carrying out technical support, using the “Like” button for customer connections, creating real time forums and promoting discounts, exclusive offers, latest news and product launches. As a result, this helps to promote the profile of the company with the knowledge of their products quickly spreading though the various social networks, often leading to a viral effect, all at no cost. But the fact is, this…

  • Office Environment

    5 Essentials for Encouraging Good Manners in the Office

    Manners aren’t what they used to be, and while it’s a relief for men not to have to stand up every time a woman enters the room — for both genders — some of the old social norms really did keep things feeling more kind, civilized, and stress-free. Not too long ago, there was a very agreed-upon set of rules and decorum that almost everyone followed anytime they were at work, a church potluck, or any other social gathering. However, things have changed, and they’ve done so in a very short amount of time, which means that knowing the best way to act in a work environment is oftentimes not…

  • Handshake

    A Digital Dilemma: Building Powerful Offline Connections

    In a time wherein everyone seems to go crazy over digital, how can you ensure that the quality of connections (or more deeply, relationships) is not compromised? The answer is so simple: the non-digital channel. When we say non-digital channel, this is anything offline. If you have exhausted the digital channel, perhaps, now is the perfect time to go back to our core where in-person network is prioritized more than digital networking. Logically, your concern might be how can you build offline connections effectively. Below are the steps in building powerful and valuable connections and turning them into quality relationships. 1. Leverage your social media presence Your LinkedIn connections and Twitter and…

  • Offline Promoting Tactics

    5 Offline Promoting Tactics for Your Small Business

    The world of today can be divided into two groups of people: those who live online and those more oriented to the offline world. Every business owner should be aware of this division. Also, this Internet-wise duality can be of essential importance when it comes to planning your marketing campaign. If your business is more oriented towards middle-aged and older people, then it is clear that the promotion of your small business should definitely be directed to offline promotional methods. On the other hand, products designed for younger generations must be presented both online and offline. Here are some useful offline promoting strategies that could help you improve the visibility…

  • Simplify Info
    Public Relations

    How to Make Technical Information More Digestible for Your Audience

    Reading long paragraphs or pages of uninterrupted text can be tedious for anyone, unless it’s supposed to be that way: a twenty-thousand page Stephen King novel, or a really interesting dissertation on the evidence of alien life, for example. However, most of us even need a break after several chapters of good fiction. Feeding your audience information about your products, services, company or processes via text alone is just about the worst way to do it, especially when the information is highly technical. As a business owner, you know everything about your niche, industry or topic. You’re the expert, so you should be able to explain it. So why doesn’t…

  • Video Marketing

    4 Ways to Use Video Marketing Without Showing Your Face

    Camera shy? You can still create videos without ever being on screen. Still, more often than not, your voice should at least make an appearance or two. Even without showing your face, you can make those videos personal, tell a story and work for your brand – all important components to creating worthwhile video marketing campaigns. No matter which video marketing tactic you choose to try out, it’s all about offering great content. Forget about lengthy introductions and find ways to grab the viewer’s attention as soon as possible. If you don’t capture their attention within the first eight seconds, studies show, your viewers are likely to click away. Highlight…

  • Network Hardware
    Online Business

    Reducing Internet Downtime Saves Businesses Money Over Time

    The Internet has over the years had a significant impact on the way business is done in many organizations. This is a major shift from the early adopters, who were using the Internet for simple tasks such as reaching out to audiences via websites and providing a resource for employees to communicate or conduct surveys and research – there was absolutely no way of measuring its impact on an organization's bottom line.

  • Production Planning

    What is Preventing Your Business from Prospering?

    While you might be convinced that your business is ticking away at its optimum rate, there are a number of things – probably happening right now – that are hampering your productivity and, as a result, your profitability. In turn, these things can add up to reduce your potential for expansion. Isolated, they might look like tiny little things that aren’t worth thinking about. However, add them up and you might be surprised to find out just how much time they’re eating into – time that could be better spent growing your business and enticing new customers. We’ve compiled the top five things you can do to get things really…