• Parasailing

    Things You Should Know Before You Go Parasailing

    Parasailing in a favorite thrill-seeking activity on the beach. You might ask, what exactly is it? When you’re sat on the sand, and you see the parachutes attached to the speedboats flying by, that’s parasailing. You get strapped to the chute and rise into the air as the boat zooms over the water. Apart from having the thrill of a lifetime, you get to see some of the best bird’s eye views of the coastline. If it’s your first time, here are a few helpful tips to get the most out of your adventure. Bring your Go-Pro You want to capture the experience on film. The views from the air…

  • iPhone Camera

    How Is Professional Videography Surviving the Deluge of Smartphones and Video Editing Apps?

    It is safe to say that this year is going to be the year of video. In short, it is everywhere. As a result, finding good quality video feed had become more challenging than it was ten years ago when smartphones with cameras were not as popular. With the rapid rise of GoPro, Android, Apple, drone tech and YouTube, the video culture has changed everywhere. Whether you are browsing the web for niche films or you are watching a nature-adventure show on television, you will find multiple instances of non-conventional videography. Several programs on the TV rely on the use of body cams and GoPros for filming the incidents from…

  • Smartphone Coffee

    Get More Out of Your Smartphone With These Ideas

    Your smartphone can probably do more than you currently give it credit for. Most people don’t make the most of every feature and every function that their phone offers, and they don’t even realise that this is happening. The number of unexpectedly cool things you can do with your phone will blow you away, and these functions could even make your day to day life easier than it is right now. Here are just some of the ideas you should try out. Get a Clip-On Lens Everybody’s a photographer nowadays thanks to the high quality of the cameras that are found on pretty much every smartphone. But you can get…

  • Woman Smartphone

    The Smartphone Duel of The Year: iPhone 8 vs. Galaxy S8

    The smartphone wars take on an exciting tangent as Apple promises the launch of iPhone 8 to take on Samsung’ Galaxy S8. The Galaxy S8 was released this spring and has so far won the favour of many with its new design. Some of the notable features of the Galaxy S8 include the conspicuous absence of the home button and the expanded screen size to 5.8 inches and 6.2 inches on Galaxy S8 Plus. There are no official details on the iPhone 8. Nevertheless, we endeavour to provide a glimpse of how the supremacy wars may turn out based on the news, early predictions, and rumours about iPhone 8. Design…

  • Drone Filming

    How to Choose the Right Camera for Your Photography Drone

    Unlike when drones first appeared, nowadays, you don’t have to invest a small fortune to become a drone hobbyist. The market is over flooded with numerous multirotor brands and even more models, and a vast majority of them, already come with an included camera, or they are capable of safely carrying one. The aerial photography is now mainstream and more and more people are going down this path.

  • Portrait Photography

    5 Portrait Photography Tricks for Stunning Portraits

    Photography is an art and art needs constant experimenting and polishing. Of the various styles of photography, let’s talk about portraiture. Portrait photography focuses on a person or a group of people and helps capture the personality of the subject. Gone are the days where the subject would look into the photographer’s camera and have only a serious monotonous expression captured. The new trend is to experiment when it comes to portrait photography. While the subject still remains the focus of the portrait, the background and other elements cannot be ignored entirely. Here we give you 5 photography tricks that has a seal of approval from reputed portrait photographers: 1.…

  • Canon PowerShot D10

    Top Underwater Cameras

    Underwater digital cameras are also referred to as rugged compact digital cameras or waterproof compact digital cameras. They are built to withstand great amounts of pressure and are designed to be tougher than the average camera. Below are the top underwater cameras that have proven to be both waterproof and have integrated features that make taking pictures at depth easy and efficient.