• Entrepreneur Working

    Tips For Surviving Your First Year As a Business Owner

    Owning your first business is an exciting milestone for an entrepreneur. Statistics say that only 50% of businesses make it past the first 5 years. Therefore the first year is crucial when it comes to setting the tone for your business’s success. When it comes to your business being successful it takes a consistent effort to follow through and make sure that you apply all of the tips that you get.  Here are some of the best for getting through your first year, and ensuring you stay successful and continue to grow. Make Sure You Have All The Right Tools When it comes to setting yourself up for success you…

  • Coffee Plane

    Yes, You Can Run a Business and Travel at the Same Time!

    What comes to mind when you hear about someone who funds their round the world travel adventures by running their own business? If luxury yachts and ageing millionaire tycoons who got rich in the dot com boom are the first images you came up with there’s no shame in that. In fact, this stereotype is probably the most popular depiction of someone who dabbles in work from choice, rather than necessity, despite it being a million miles away from the average person who chooses to transform travel and work into a way of life. That’s the Dream – What’s the Reality? Unless you have some form of private means, most…

  • Portrait Photography

    5 Portrait Photography Tricks for Stunning Portraits

    Photography is an art and art needs constant experimenting and polishing. Of the various styles of photography, let’s talk about portraiture. Portrait photography focuses on a person or a group of people and helps capture the personality of the subject. Gone are the days where the subject would look into the photographer’s camera and have only a serious monotonous expression captured. The new trend is to experiment when it comes to portrait photography. While the subject still remains the focus of the portrait, the background and other elements cannot be ignored entirely. Here we give you 5 photography tricks that has a seal of approval from reputed portrait photographers: 1.…

  • Print Shop

    5 Things You Must Know Before Opening a Print Shop

    Almost every business could benefit from customized banners, more targeted print advertising, and promotional products. Whether you’re talking about screen printing or digital printing, print shops offer particular services and economies of scale that other businesses need but probably don’t have the time, equipment, or expertise to do themselves. Even from the perspective of someone wanting to open a print shop independently, equipment and training can be serious impediments to getting it right. Opening a print shop from scratch entails getting your financials in order and ensuring that—if you don’t have a mountain of liquidity at your disposal—you have good enough credit to secure private loans. 1. Startup Capital Requirements…

  • Fruit Catering

    Food Service and Organization

    If you have a restaurant, catering company, market, or any other type of small business that requires dealing or working with food, you will know just how important it is to have an efficient and proper system in place for organizing ingredients and other stocked items. If you don’t have this, or if there is a lack of communication with the workers in your place of business, this can lead to stock expiring, food going bad if it is not properly refrigerated, and even items being refrigerated that should not be. All of this can cost you when it comes to time, money, and even energy. Let’s take a look…

  • Jupiter Juno
    News,  Space Exploration

    NASA Will Soon Decide If Changing Juno’s Course is Best

    Jupiter is named after the king of the Roman gods, and with its massive size, it definitely holds the title of king of the Solar System. NASA's Juno spacecraft entered orbit around the gas giant in July of 2016. Due to a problem with the craft's propulsion system, NASA is currently debating whether changing Juno's course is the best option. What is Juno looking for out there among the stars?

  • Laptop Map

    Putting Your Business on the Map

    When you run a retail store, the last thing you want is to be undiscoverable. There's a certain prestige when it comes to running a hidden store that's full of great gems, but ultimately that's not good for business unless you run a niche store that sells expensive products. If that's the case, then be as obscure and hard to find as you like!

  • Beautiful Woman Skincare

    Beauty Tips for Taking Care of Oily Skin

    Oily skin is a result of a natural process during which oil glands in the skin begin producing excess oil. There are steps that you can take to manage oily skin and give it the care that it needs. While oily skin can be challenging, an effective skincare routine will keep it looking younger for longer and ease the problems that are associated with having this type of skin. The right knowledge and positive attitude can help to deal with this problem. There are plenty of helpful advises and new innovations that you can read more about here. Trying new solutions to the oily skin problem can help each and everyone…