• American Border

    Border Control Forces Receive New Technology

    Regulating the movement of people, goods, and animals across country borders is vital. As such, border control forces need the best technology. In this article, we’re exploring the latest advancements in technology that are helping in border control. A sense of space: drones and holographic printers VICE has reported that a company called Zebra Imaging, at the Tenth Annual Border Security Expo in San Antonio, Texas, was noted to be selling holographic printers for a cool $1 million. According to the report, these machines were already being utilized at Border Control stations in El Paso, San Diego and Tucson — having initially been sold to the US military for use…

  • Surfer

    5 Must Have Gadgets to Stay Safe While Having Fun on the Water

    Being on the water is an exhilarating and exciting feeling; however, it is vital to have the necessary gear and gadgets to remain safe. It is easy to forget how essential safety gear is while being out on the water; however, having safety gadgets is the difference between being hurt and staying safe if an accident occurs. Before you begin wakeboarding, you should invest in these five gadgets so that you stay safe while having fun on the water. 1. Wetsuits Before heading out into the water, you must purchase a wetsuit. Both beginners and experts wear these suits, so do not think that you do not need one if…

  • Custommer Cables
    Online Business

    Anticipating Customer Needs on Your Website

    Are you one of the 53 percent of U.S. adults who tend to abandon their online order if you can’t find a quick answer to your question? The truth is most people want to be able to easily find what they are looking for without having to pick up the phone to ask their question. How do you give people what they want when they visit your website? You anticipate their needs! If you can predict what questions they may have, you’re not only being helpful, you’re potentially turning visitors into customers, avoiding complaints, and improving conversion rates. You’re thinking like your customers and optimizing your website. How do you…

  • Piano Lesson

    The Seven Facts That Prove Adults Are Great Piano Students

    Have you ever heard William Beecher and John Bernstein’s performance? The bassoonist and pianist duo have taken the world by storm with their performances. The bassoonist hails from Long Island, so you might just catch a live performance soon. Finding jazz performances and R&B grooves on Long Island is easy. Music is always in the air and spotting a live event with internationally acclaimed musicians is always a possibility. After all, Long Island has been home to numerous celebrity musicians over the last couple of decades. Maybe you have always wanted to learn a musical instrument but never found the time. Research shows that over 82% of adults who have…