Monthly Stargazing Calendar for July 2013
This month there will be only one major astronomical event. On July 27, 28 we will witness the Southern Delta Aquarids meteor shower. It is an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak on the night of July 27 and morning of July 28, but some meteors can be visible from July 12 to August 23.
Monthly Stargazing Calendar for June 2013
Unlike last month, this won't be a such an eventful month when it comes to astronomical events. Mercury will be at its greatest eastern elongation and then we will have the June solstice. We will also have the largest full moon of the year.
5 Effective Ways To Track Entertainment Spending
Tracking expenses for entertainment is one of the hardest things to do. The reason it's so hard for most of us to get our heads around expenses is because we're too busy having fun and not monitoring our monthly budget. Here are five simple ways to get on top of your entertainment expenses before they derail your savings account.
Monthly Stargazing Calendar for May 2013
May 2013 stargazing events: There will be a meteor shower, a solar eclipse, a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, and a penumbral lunar eclipse.
Could Space Junk Be a Threat to Our Hi-Tech Way of Life?
Space waste, space junk, orbital debris…whatever you call this orbiting mass of objects, they are a big issue. Space waste doesn't just make earth's orbital corridors look untidy, it poses a very real threat to the future of space exploration and our way of life. Read on to find out more…
Monthly Stargazing Calendar for April 2013
This month will be quite eventful and will have many interesting astronomical events. First of all, on April 14 we will witness the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. The Moon will appear to pass about two degrees of the giant planet Jupiter in the evening sky. The crescent moon will be at magnitude -10.6 and Jupiter at magnitude -2.1.
Monthly Stargazing Calendar for February 2013
This month will be the best time to see Mercury. Usually the planet is very hard to observe because it orbits very close to the sun and it can only be seen at dawn and dusk. However on the evening of February 8, Mercury will be seen within less than 0.4 degrees of the much-fainter planet, Mars.
Satellite vs. Cable: How to Know What’s Best for You
The war between cable and satellite television service has always been a particularly brutal one from a corporate standpoint. Both satellite and cable providers do their best to woo potential customers with discounts, incentives and plenty of other benefits. Plenty of advertisements both highlight and mock the inherent deficiencies and drawbacks of each service, an aspect of the cable and satellite war that sometimes ratchets up to ridiculous proportions.
Monthly Stargazing Calendar for January 2013
On the night of January 3 and 4 the Quadrantids meteor shower will peak. It is an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour at the peak. Some meteors can be visible from January 1 - 5. Unfortunately the near last quarter moon will hide many of the fainter meteors with its glare.
Three New Species Found in Freshwater Caves
Divers explore New Zealand's Pearse River caves, discovering three new species while searching for the river's mysterious source deep underground.
NASA Releases Amazing Night View of Earth
NASA's Suomi NPP satellite captures stunning night imagery, revealing societal contrasts and aiding advanced meteorological predictions.
Monthly Stargazing Calendar for December 2012
On December 3 Jupiter was at Opposition. The giant planet was at its closest approach to Earth and its was fully illuminated by the Sun. Jupiter will still be very bright in the sky for the next few weeks. This is the best time to view and photograph Jupiter and its moons.