What Is LightSail and How Does It Work?
Cell phones aren't the only technology we've plucked from science fiction. Let's take a closer look at LightSail — what it is, how it works and how it might change the way we look at interstellar travel.
Tried and Tested Tips for a Successful Business Lunch
In the modern money-driven world, business seems to mysteriously find its way through to all of our once private rituals, hobbies and other everyday habits, so having a lunch with a business partner, boss or office superior has become a commonplace way to tie up loose ends job-wise. Still, having a business lunch is not the same as having a successful business lunch: at times, things can go awfully wrong and irreparable damage can be done to our reputation, self-confidence or even career. That’s why we have some useful tips for you right here on how to painlessly survive a business lunch with your colleague, associate or boss without risks,…
Your Body, Your Health – Your Responsibility!
Prioritize health with regular screenings, dental check-ups, and a balanced lifestyle. Understanding your body's norms is crucial for early issue detection.
5 Reasons Why You Should Wear Perfume
Perfume is a fantastic cosmetic and everyone should have at least one which they apply in their daily routine. If you do not like perfume then it is understandable why you may not want to wear it. However, if you are thinking about finding the right one for you, here are 5 reasons why you should! It Gives a Great First Impression One of the most pleasant things you can experience in a conversation is someone who smells nice. Even walking past someone on the street who has a nice perfume will make you turn around to see where they are going. If you want to be memorable, for example…
8 Ways on How to Decorate Your Wedding on a Budget
Decorations are one of the bigger expenses to take into account when you rent a wedding reception venue. You want your wedding reception to be decorated nicely so that your guests will feel welcomed when they arrive. However, you want to take care to keep in the budget so that you won't get into a financial problem for having that dreamed wedding reception. The following are 8 ways to decorate your wedding creatively while spending the least money possible to keep on a budget.
Are You Ready for Tiny Living – 5 Signs You Are Not Suited to Live in a Tiny Home
If you are looking forward to getting back to basics, save money, and make your life simple, it may be time to consider moving into a tiny house. Many reasons would make you go tiny such as affordability, saving energy, among others. Tiny living has become very popular in recent years. You’ve probably discussed it with your friends, watched something relating to it on the news or even read about it on the internet. Living in a tiny house can help you become organized and lead a simplified life. The ever-rising cost of houses, steep mortgage repayments, and the higher cost of sustaining large houses, has made many Americans think…
Five Signs That You’re Ready for a Doctorate in Education
If you’re an education professional and wondering how to enhance your online resume and advance your career, a doctoral degree may be right for you. Of course, attending graduate school isn’t always an easy decision. You have to weigh the value of your degree against the cost of tuition and fees, the time commitment, and several other factors.
8 Reasons Why Education Is the Key to Success
Education is so integral to how society functions, and how you live your life. This is for a number of reasons, not least of which is the fact that education is the key to all future success, and in most cases the more you learn and know, the more successful you will be. Why is this, and what is it about learning that makes you more likely to be successful in whatever endeavor you decide to move onto? Read on to find out more.
5 Tips on Traveling for Beginners
Getting to travel to a distant place to holiday is not only exciting but also educational. There are lots of things you will learn when you are going for a holiday - not just when you are traveling but also in the preparation that you need to do before you embark on a trip. The following are 5 tips on traveling for beginners.
Reasons Why You Should Wear Jewelry
For around twenty-five thousand years, pendants and necklaces have been a sign and mark for identification, rank, and authority. Today, jewelry is associated with women, and ornaments are known to enhance the aura and the overall look.
The Top 10 Photographs of Celestial Objects
Stunning celestial photos by NASA capture Jupiter's abyss, lunar sunrise, dying star Eta Carinae, cosmic rose Rosette Nebula, and more wonders.
How To Recover From Losing A Key Client: A Guide
Disappointing. Surprising. Down-right terrifying. Yes, these are all terms we’ve heard used to describe the loss of a major client. Whether you’re a one-man band, SME, or major organisation, losing a key client can have serious repercussions for your business. Unfortunately – although perhaps reassuringly – it’s something that almost every entrepreneur and business will face at some point. What’s more, the manner with which you react to the situation can lead to a net benefit in terms of both profit and professionalism. In this article we discuss how to recover from losing a key client and how the negative circumstance may be turned into a positive. Don’t burn your…
83 Black Holes Found at the Edge of the Universe
Astronomers made a groundbreaking discovery: 83 supermassive black holes at the universe's edge, reshaping our understanding of black hole formation and the cosmos' early days.
Why You Should Take an Adventure Vacation
Adventure vacations offer excitement and activity, keeping you both relaxed and fit. Plan well to align it with your health goals for the best experience.