Stargazing Calendar for May 2023
Hello fellow stargazers! This month the big event will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, but there are also two meteor showers, two comets at perihelion, many conjunctions, and one near-Earth object making a close approach to Earth.
14 Ways to Make Special Moments Last a Lifetime
Taking care to memorialize the special moments in your life is a sacred assignment, but just as important is making the photographs stand out rather than confining them to a drawer or an album where they will be viewed from time to time rather than daily.
The Architectural Design of the Future as Determined by Science Fiction
Through the lens of science fiction, we can explore worlds that are vastly different from our own. We can forewarn a terrible dystopia or idealize a stunning vision of tomorrow. For many years, humans have taken to imagining what the future might hold in regards to many different aspects of life, including in the realm of architectural design. Even in stories where the architecture isn’t the focus, it still usually has to be included in order to show something on the screen.
5 Important Reasons for Having Employee Uniforms in the Hospitality Industry
Having staff uniform is not something new, particularly in the hospitality industry. There is a good reason why pubs, restaurants, shops, and hotels are still using uniforms in the workplace. Keeping up an excellent appearance is incredibly important even though most people believe that customers are only concerned about the comfort, service, and quality of the food and drink they are receiving. Here are the benefits of having staff uniforms for your hospitality business.
How Do Spacecraft Withstand Re-Entry into Earth’s Atmosphere?
If you’re lucky when you look up in the sky at night, you might see a shooting star. As you’re making your wish, what you’re actually seeing is a small piece of rock or space junk burning up in the atmosphere. The friction of re-entry causes the shooting star to ignite and burn, which is why you see a brief flash of light.
5 Tips for Designing Shelf-Ready Packaging
Is your business considering shelf-ready packaging for your retail partners? Use the tips here to ensure you’re designing shelf-ready packaging properly.
Top International Schools in Bangkok Near the Airport
One of the advantages of international schools is that they favor the children of expats who have to relocate from one country to another. With these schools, the children readily fit in, because most international schools use a universally accepted curriculum, which makes it easier for the students to adapt to life at international schools.
What Are The Benefits of 3D Printing in Space?
Will 3D printers be commonplace in space? What are the benefits of 3D printing in space and will we see more of it in the future? Learn more!
Common Challenges of Opening an International Business
Even if you have experience with local business, things are different overseas. Consider some of these challenges of running a business internationally.
Protect The Environment – Save Water With Artificial Grass!
A lush lawn can improve the aesthetic appeal of any house, and it can also add to the value of the property. However, installing a real grass carpet and maintaining it can be a expensive. If you cannot afford real grass, do not be disappointed. You can get the same look and feel with artificial grass and at a lesser cost.
Proper Semi-Truck Care Tips To Avoid Expensive Repairs
Semi-trucks require a tremendous amount of care for proper vehicle operation and performance. Here are proper semi-truck care tips to avoid expensive repairs.
Easy Ways You Can Lower Your Home’s Carbon Footprint
More people today are thinking about how they can lower their environmental impact. Here are some easy ways you can lower your home’s carbon footprint.
60 Digital Product Ideas You Can Sell Online in 2023
As the world continues to rely more on technology and digital solutions, there has never been a better time to start selling digital products online. If you're an entrepreneur looking for ideas to sell online, we have compiled a list of 60 digital product ideas that you can consider in 2023.
Increasing Warehouse Safety: What You Must Know
A safe environment will increase productivity and efficiency to deliver better results. Read and learn what you must know about increasing warehouse safety.