• Space Internet
    Space Exploration

    Space Internet [Infographic]

    The idea of global internet via satellite is nothing new. Pioneers that failed to capture the global frontier: In the late 90’s several companies began projects to provide worldwide voice and data communications from mobile devices. Iridium: Service launched: November 1, 1998 Bankrupt: August 1999 Globalstar: First Call Placed: November 1, 1998 Bankrupt: February 15, 2002 Both services declared bankruptcy not long after they were launched. Both companies have re-started and are providing hundreds of thousands of the customers with satellite phone and internet services today. Source: ComputerScienceDegreeHub.com Clash of the Titan Titan Aerospace produces solar-powered drones High-tech, solar-powered satellite. Can travel the globe and stay in flight for up…

  • Offline Promoting Tactics

    5 Offline Promoting Tactics for Your Small Business

    The world of today can be divided into two groups of people: those who live online and those more oriented to the offline world. Every business owner should be aware of this division. Also, this Internet-wise duality can be of essential importance when it comes to planning your marketing campaign. If your business is more oriented towards middle-aged and older people, then it is clear that the promotion of your small business should definitely be directed to offline promotional methods. On the other hand, products designed for younger generations must be presented both online and offline. Here are some useful offline promoting strategies that could help you improve the visibility…

  • Simplify Info
    Public Relations

    How to Make Technical Information More Digestible for Your Audience

    Reading long paragraphs or pages of uninterrupted text can be tedious for anyone, unless it’s supposed to be that way: a twenty-thousand page Stephen King novel, or a really interesting dissertation on the evidence of alien life, for example. However, most of us even need a break after several chapters of good fiction. Feeding your audience information about your products, services, company or processes via text alone is just about the worst way to do it, especially when the information is highly technical. As a business owner, you know everything about your niche, industry or topic. You’re the expert, so you should be able to explain it. So why doesn’t…

  • Business graph

    5 Simple Strategies for Your Business Online Boost

    It must have been much simpler for our grandparents and even parents to run a business. The competition was not as dense as it is today and the world’s economy was on much starker legs. Today, with the rise of economy tigers of the Far East and the long crisis in Europe with an uncertain outcome, running a business seems like a total mess. However, people are driven with challenges and opportunities to succeed. Online or dead Today, if you own a business and you fail to take your share of the online market, you can consider your business dead within a few months and yourself a beggar. When it…

  • Kitten

    5 Important Things You Should Know about Getting a Kitten

    Kittens are adorable, playful bundles of joy. Having a kitten around the home makes everything so much more interesting. If you are deciding whether to get a kitten then you must first think about whether you have the time or funds for a pet. A kitten is like a baby; they need constant attention and affection. If you are not there to give it to them, they will feel lonely and sad. Likewise, kittens aren’t cheap. There are lots of things that a kitten needs, which you must provide. It’s not just about food and a litter tray. Kittens are energetic so need things to play with throughout the day.…

  • Marketing Businessman

    How to Jump-Start Your Business with Email Marketing?

    Email marketing is one of those techniques that can show instant results. It is also one of the best methods to jump start your business. E-mail marketing might sound complicated when you hear terms like, spam filters, list building, click rates, etc. We will discuss some tips below to leverage the power of e-mail marketing to jump start your marketing campaign for your start-up.

  • GPS

    What is Advanced 3D Geological Mapping?

    In the last decade, new methods for digital field mapping have been implemented which allow great accuracy in positioning and interpreting different types of data as well as providing the tools to manage them. Traditional geologic mapping involves paper maps, a notebook, and colored pencils. Digital mapping requires only a tablet PC and a GPS receiver. The tablet contains all of the traditional tools as well as enabling data to be managed and analyzed effectively at the same time as being recorded through dedicated software. It also contains a variety of useful software such as Windows Journal which provides a blank sheet on which geologists can make notes and drawings…

  • Video Marketing

    4 Ways to Use Video Marketing Without Showing Your Face

    Camera shy? You can still create videos without ever being on screen. Still, more often than not, your voice should at least make an appearance or two. Even without showing your face, you can make those videos personal, tell a story and work for your brand – all important components to creating worthwhile video marketing campaigns. No matter which video marketing tactic you choose to try out, it’s all about offering great content. Forget about lengthy introductions and find ways to grab the viewer’s attention as soon as possible. If you don’t capture their attention within the first eight seconds, studies show, your viewers are likely to click away. Highlight…

  • Electric Car Tyres

    Electric Car Tyres – How Are They Different?

    A couple of weeks ago, we witnessed a potentially significant milestone in the further development of the electric cars industry. Elon Musk from Tesla Motors, famous for their much lauded S series of electric cars, announced that Tesla is relinquishing all their patents to help other companies potentially interested in electric cars manufacture. This will do miracles for the industry and the advent of electric cars seems imminent.