• Woman Phone Sports

    Top 4 Technologies and Emerging Strategies in Sports Marketing

    All industries experience foundational shifts in the ever-changing technological environment, and sports marketing is no exception. The immense scope of its platform is startling, and franchises and leagues are turning to cutting-edge technology to build winning teams and capitalize on fan passion. The goal is establishing a solid customer base and growing additional revenue sources, such as corporate sponsorship through operational transformations, corporate restructures, and new techniques intended to reach its target audiences. Creating Innovations Shifting criteria, views, beliefs, and expectations of sports consumption requires catering to those unique perspectives. Teams, leagues, athletes, agencies, and media outlets are not only competing for new fan recognition, but are racing against each…

  • Website Resources. Photo by Serge Kij. License: CC BY 2.0.
    Online Business

    How to Build Trust on Your Website in 3 Surprising Steps

    Do you get a decent amount of visits to your site but your Google Analytics report says they leave on the page they visited you on? Ouch. That’s not good news. The bottom line for most websites is an increase in business. More customers through your doors, buying your products, telling others about your services, etc. If viewers leave on the first page, you aren’t hitting any of these goals. You want a website that converts. The term is a “high-converting website.” Kind of like those old evangelical meetings that converted all the people under their massive circus tents. Everyone that walked in—walked out a believer. How do you get…

  • Give Back
    Public Relations

    4 Ways Your Business Can Give Back

    If you own a small business or are the CEO of a major corporation, there are many ways you can use some of your profits and time to give back to the community. In addition to doing some good in the world, participating in philanthropic activities can help boost your company's reputation. Here are four of the best ways your business can give back to the community.

  • Scam Signs

    4 Email Scams to Watch Out for

    Nowadays scams and cons come in all shapes and forms. Most of you will know that emails are no safe haven, and you need to remain quite vigilant when reading yours. This article will take you through a handful of popular email scams in hope that you won’t be caught out in the future. 419 – The Nigerian Scam Thousands of Britons will have received the ‘419’ or ‘Nigerian Prince’ scam. Most of you will have ignored it, but it only takes a few people who may not be as tech-savvy or knowledgeable to fall for the desperate (but fake) cry for help from a member of the Nigerian royal…