About us

CosmoBC stands for CosmoBroadCasting. The word “Cosmo” is used here in the original Greek meaning: “universal”. We are in fact a universal broadcasting portal, since we “broadcast” through the internet and our portal is of global reach. We are not a TV or radio station. Furthermore, we have nothing to do with the cosmopolitan ideology.

Currently, our main broadcasting method is through blogs and videos on our website.

Our mission is to provide information (news, entertainment, etc.) free of charge to a wide audience around the world.

Our Products: News and blogs on a wide variety of topics.

We currently cover topics such as:

    • Anything technology related such as computers, internet, software, cars, engineering, architecture, futuristic tech, etc.
    • Business, finance, economics, marketing, management, etc.
    • Travel, tourism, geography
    • Astronomy, space exploration, physics
    • Education
    • Law
    • Health & medical science
    • Food & recipes
    • Art, music, movies, literature, reviews, etc.
    • DIY, home improvements, etc.
    • Sports, outdoors
    • Animals, pets, and wildlife
    • Offbeat (jokes, odd news, etc.)
    • Fashion, clothes, jewellery, weddings, etc.
    • More topics will be introduced soon!

Our Services: To reach us about advertising on CosmoBC you can fill out the contact form on that page.

History: CosmoBC was founded in 2008. It was originally a small website where we posted news videos. In early 2009 we started adding blogs on different topics as well as syndicating various news articles. Today CosmoBC is a quickly growing web portal and a trusted news source.