• iPhone Music

    What to Know About New Voice Assistant Technology

    The popularity of digital voice assistants is growing rapidly. While the initial focus of this sector was on smartphone devices, voice recognition technology is beginning to reach other areas - like the automobile and the workplace - with a gathering strength. But the most exciting arena for voice-activated software agents lies in the home.

  • Concept Car Renault Desir. Photo by Dk58 - Renaud. License: CC BY 2.0.

    Car Technologies that will Revolutionize the Way You Drive

    Can advanced technology revolutionize the way we drive cars? Absolutely! Luxury auto makers are already working on making vehicles look more like space ships; better yet, soon enough our cars will have the exact same functions as our tablets and smartphones. We can't stop the auto industry from advancing, and as long as the demand for high-tech increases, it's only natural for car brands to want to keep up.

  • Smart Home

    The Jetsons are Jealous of Your Future Smart Home

    Smart homes have been a dream for many consumers. A George Jetson kind of home where you can control everything from small handheld devices and voice commands seemed like science fiction until very recently. Now it appears the pieces are all there, but now we find ourselves a bit overwhelmed and scrambling to get all of those tech features to fall into place.