• Technology Phone
    Business Tools

    Tech Solutions That Can Dramatically Improve a Business

    Can technology improve your business? We certainly think so, and the truth is we’re nowhere near the end of what tech can do. Some scientists believe there is a technological barrier. A point in the future we will reach where there are no more tech advancements because nothing else is possible. It may be that we never reach the stage where we can travel at the speed of light. But, you can bet, in the next hundred years, technology is going to completely reshape the world. It’s already shaping how businesses operate. Here are just some of the ways using the right tech can impact your company. Increased Efficiency If…

  • Write Business Plan

    5 Startup Tips From the Experts

    If you’re in the tech startup industry, you might want to start sweating now. According to Wamda, approximately 90 percent of tech startups will fail for reasons including competition, a lack of funding and a lack of overall experience. With all of this stacked against you, you might find it worthwhile to educate yourself on a few startup tips from experts that made it big. Funding is Everything One of the main reasons startup businesses falter is due to a lack of funding. The Guardian provides expert insight on how to procure funding from some of the best minds in the industry. You will need to ask yourself how investors…