• Computer Memory

    How to Run A Memory Test

    There are a number of sites on the web which were created to assist computer users in running memory tests and debugging memory problems with their personal computers. They will help you to automatically complete these tests, but if you must do them manually, here are some tips.

  • Computer

    Five Modern Day Overreactions

    The availability and speed at which we can get almost anything in the modern world is amazing, but it comes with dramatic overreactions to small failures every day. This article will consider five of the most common modern day overreactions and will provide some simple solutions to prevent their doom.

  • Internet

    Top Tech Trends of 2011 [Infographic]

    The year 2011 brought many changes to the tech industry. Such tech trends as group buying, geolocation apps, or tablets revolutionized the whole industry. Other major tech trends include cloud computing and cloud based productivity apps, online video in enterprise, online Q&A, crowdfunding, and mobile photo sharing apps.

  • Software

    What to do when your WordPress update failed [Tutorial]

    Yesterday when I was updating one of my WordPress blogs the automatic update failed and was stuck in maintenance mode. What to do when this happens? First of all, don’t panic! Your blog is not lost for ever, or anything like that. Even if you haven’t backed up your blog’s files and its database (like recommended by WordPress), it is still possible to fix the update fail issue in a few easy steps. Of course if you had backed up your files and database then you could simply restore them and try an automatic update again. In fact some web hosts will regularly backup everything for you. They also have…