• Indian Food

    How to Save Money on Food While Traveling

    Though flights and hotels can make up the bulk of your traveling costs, you’ll spend a sizable chunk of your holiday budget on food. Without actually letting yourself go hungry, there are a few ways you can reduce your travel expenses in the food department. Not only will you reduce your costs, some of these ideas will actually help you to enjoy your trip more by getting more immersed in the local scene. Pass on Tourist Spots Big chain restaurants that operate in hotel areas are going to be more expensive than smaller locally-run places to eat. While it can be comforting to have the same menu that you’re used…

  • Money Travel

    A Financial Guide to Moving Abroad

    Moving overseas is perhaps the most exciting, challenging, and life-changing decision you will ever make, but before you go, there are important things for you to consider. You’ll have an awful lot of planning to get out of the way before you fly, and you’ll need to ensure that your finances are fully in order before you jet off to your new home. On that note, here are a few top tips to help you… Currency Fluctuations, Bank Accounts, and Transaction Fees Before you move abroad, it’s important to put your finances in order, and you need to start by finding out how exchange rates and inflation will affect your…

  • Happy Businessman Profit

    Making Profit? Then Your Finance Department Needs These Tools!

    When your startup is making some money, it’s time to think about improving the lot of your employees. After all, if you don’t improve the tools that your employees need to work with, then how do you expect to grow much more? A vibrant and booming business that is seeing some sweet revenue is going to need employees that can help handle all of that money. And that means you’re going to have to hire some finance geeks. Of course, there’s no point in hiring these money wizards if you’re going to under-equip them! How should you prepare for the arrival of new accounts and financial controllers? Here are a…

  • Plane Cabin Passengers

    How to Make your Student Trip Worthwhile

    Planning for a trip as a student can be one of the most difficult things in your life. Owing to the fact that you are busy with your college or university work, you will have little time to consult, plan and book a trip to a destination of your choice. Therefore, if you have just graduated or you simply need a break from your normal routine, plan the ‘trip of your lifetime’. Here is a to do list that will make your trip worthwhile. Personalize your trip – make it your own experience We all know that one man’s meat is another man’s poison, right? Now that your travel needs…

  • Accounting Calculator Finances

    Why Your Business Needs An Accountant

    So, you've started your business, and you're wondering whether you need an accountant, right? There are a few things to consider before you start employing one, but most businesses will benefit from them in some form. Today, we're going to look at a few reasons why it would be beneficial for you to hire an accountant.

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex Skeleton

    Jurassic Park: Sadly Realistic

    I know, I know—dinosaur fights, Unix systems, rapid breeding, clones that work better, not worse, than designed—it seems far-fetched to call this movie realistic. But the last time I had watched Jurassic Park was before I graduated high school. When I saw previews for the new sequel, I decided it was time to revisit this masterpiece, and realized it was a very different movie than I remembered.

  • Foreign Currency
    Economics,  Finance

    Understanding the Ins and Outs of Foreign Exchange Rates

    If you’ve traveled anywhere overseas, you will have had to change the currency you use, trading in one type of money for another. Beneath this simple switch lies a complex world of economies and finance that makes up the global marketplace. In this guide, we will go over some of the basics so that you understand a bit about how this field actually works. What Does Money Cost? Everything on Earth has a value that society places on it. From fruit to computers, we are willing to spend a certain amount of cash on those objects. From one country to another, these values can shift and change, meaning that the worth of…