• Employee Overworked

    Taking Care of Yourself in a Busy Career

    Our careers are our livelihood. Most of us dedicate an incredible amount of time to our studies which then go on to become our careers. However, it’s important to remember that your career isn’t everything in life and that there are equally important priorities that you should think about. For instance, you need to think about friends and family, your own health and even the future. But if you live a busy lifestyle, it’s completely understandable. After all, you have to provide for yourself and your family in some way. Everyone makes sacrifices in life, but it’s important that you don’t go overboard and you look after yourself as well.…

  • Old Travel Plans

    Tips for Traveling With a Chronic Condition

    Are you one of the 133 million Americans who has been diagnosed with a chronic condition, including 80% of older Americans? Perhaps you thought your traveling days were over once you received the diagnosis — but that’s simply not true! Sure, planning for travel with a chronic illness can be stressful, but it can be done and done well if you know where to start. If you or someone you love lives with a chronic illness, there are some special considerations you must make when you plan to travel. Here are some top traveling tips. Plan Ahead The reality is that, even though you may be going someplace totally exciting,…

  • Green Juice

    How Green Juice Benefits Your Body?

    Drinking green juice is the best thing you can do for your health, beauty goals and weight loss. The simple reason for this is the green vegetables are excellent for regeneration, healing and purifying your body. It has amazing benefits from the skin to energy to health and more. Let’s look at some of the main benefits of drinking green juice daily. 1. Enhance Beauty One of the most important benefits of drinking green juice is glowing skin. It is rich in antioxidants including vitamin E and C and this helps in providing the healthy skin. The oxidants help to fight against harmful toxins which can lead to sun damage…

  • Fruit Banana Strawberries

    Fine-Tuning Your Diet to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

    If there’s one thing that almost everybody in the modern world needs a little less of, it’s stress and anxiety. In their post “The Physical Effects of Stress,” the experts at Ohio University point out that around 51 percent of women and 43 percent of men in America experience negative side effects of chronic stress. According to them, common symptoms of chronic stress include: Headaches Upset stomach Elevated blood pressure Chest pain Lack of motivation Change in appetite Change in sex drive Anger or irritability Difficulty sleeping Increased risk of developing viral infections While there are many ways to reduce your cortisol levels, one of the most simple ways to…

  • Q Tips
    Health Literacy

    5 Things You Think Are Healthy … But Aren’t

    Health fads are nothing new. The Atkins diet was conceived in the late 1950s and swept the country with popular fervor in the early 2000s, and right now CrossFit workouts are all the rage across American suburbia. Some might even say that flossing is a health fad that we’ve all been doing since time immemorial — or at least since we were children. But what if these health fads, trends, and practices aren’t actually all as healthy as you think? Here are five things you think are totally healthy … but actually aren’t. 1. Cleaning Your Ears Swabbing your ear with a little cotton ball stick? Some people have experienced…

  • Diet Calorie Counter Weight Loss

    4 Ways to Follow Through with Your Diet

    Many people set out to follow through with a diet in order to make lifestyle changes. Whether they have a few pounds to lose or simply want to feel like they’re making better nutritional choices for the sustainability of their health, it can be inspiring to want to turn over a new leaf in the kitchen. More often than not, however, habits can be extremely difficult to break. The first few days of a diet can be going great, and then all of the sudden you are met with a major temptation. Cravings start to take over and excuses to give into your desires can start presenting themselves. This doesn’t…

  • Vitamins

    3 Tips for Picking the Right Supplements

    Because most people don’t get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that they need from their typical diet, many should take a daily supplement that will help give you what your body needs. However, it can be hard to know what type of supplement you should be taking and how to find the right one for you. With the amount of supplements on the market, making the right decision can be very overwhelming. To help with this choice, here are three tips for picking the right supplements for you. Know What Your Body Needs The first step to knowing what type of supplement is going to be best for you is…

  • Man Stretching

    Preparing for a Big Game? Here Are 5 Amazing Ways to Ensure You Perform Your Best!

    The confidence that comes with being fully prepped for an upcoming game is crucial in ensuring your best performance. Failure to prepare efficiently before a game places you in a very delicate position where you become clouded with nervousness or anxiety. This anxious state makes your muscles tighten up, thus causing your game performance to go down the drain. If you’re looking to have the best game of your life, then you are definitely at the right place. Let’s look at the top 5 ways to ensure you ace your upcoming game. 1. Stay focused on the present Maintaining your focus and concentration in the now, keeps your mind fully…